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Wateringbury Scout Group

Scouts Mess Around In Boats!

Scouts Mess Around In Boats!

I'm not really sure that this article needs any written bit!

Scouts + Kayaks + Water = FUN FUN FUN!

oh.... and the chance to look cool on a Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP!)

Big thanks to Malc, Jed and all the Kent Scouts Paddle Sports Team for getting us all on the water! :-)

Scouts Kayaking and SUP-2.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-4.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-17.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-22.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-44.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-45.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-51.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-50.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-72.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-75.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-84.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-88.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-92.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-96.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-100.jpg

We Need You!
1st November 2024

Wateringbury Scout group urgently needs You! Are you bored on Monday evenings of sitting at home from 18:00-19:15 watching repeats on TV! When you...

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Random Fun Photo!

Sixer Seconder 12.jpeg
