Wateringbury Scouts and Guides AGM
24th September 2020
Dear Parents / Guardians,
Despite unusual times we are still required to hold our annual AGM on Friday 25th September 2020 at 2000hrs. Whilst there was much to celebrate prior to lockdown, this year our AGM will fulfil its core duty only.
Sadly this year, owing to the lock down and us wanting to make sure we all stay safe, we have changed the format on how we are holding the AGM.
We will be holding a very short AGM with core exec members, leaders and parent reps meeting via video link to make sure the important parts are covered.
I'm afraid there won't be a video this year and only very short updates from Carolyn (Guides) and me (Scouts).
We only have restricted numbers that can attend via video link, but we will record it to make it available to all to view.
If you do have anything to raise or ask, please email me direct and I'll either try to answer or we'll discuss during the AGM, or the core members will have a chat post AGM.
Minutes and a copy of the video will be made available after the meeting for all to see.
I promise we'll make up for it at the next AGM when hopefully normal service will resume :-)
Your continued support of both organisations that contribute so much to our community is sincerely appreciated, particularly at this time.
Stay safe everyone.
Yours In Scouting
Nick Keates (00346948)
GSL Wateringbury Scout Group
Yours In Scouting
Nick Keates (00346948)
GSL Wateringbury Scout Group