Family Camp 2019
24th - 27th May 2019

ADDED 16/05/2019
A few things ahead of family camp...
All invested members must arrive in top half uniform.
Here is a basic kit list for camp, it's only a guide and if you want to go full on luxury then that's up to you... But we do reserve the right to mock you for being "glampers!" ;-)
Don't forget your tent and favourite drink for round the campfire in the evening... Oh and any favourite snacks you like!
- Waterproof Coat & Trousers
- Jumpers / Fleece
- T-Shirts
- Trousers
- Shorts
- P.J's
- Swimming Costume / Shorts/lightweight Tshirt for canoeing
- Underwear
- Socks
- Water Shoes that can get wet not flip flops or Crocs.
- Trainers
- Hiking Boots
- Sun Hat
- Sunglasses
- Wash Kit
- Insect Repellent
- Sun Cream
- Towel
- 2 Tea Towels
- Roll Mat / Thermo Mat / airbed
- Sleeping Bag
- Pillow
- Blanket optional
- Black Bag for dirty/wet clothes
- Pegs for wet washing
- Plate
- Bowl
- Cutlery
- Cup / themocup
- 1L Water Bottle (sports type is fine)
- Torch and Spare Batteries
- Camping Chair
We suggest you check your tent before you arrive, to make sure it's complete if it's new or if its still useable if older!
We do not have any spare tents or parts in our kit, and the nearest spares shop is GoOutdoors at Lakeside!
Just a date for your diary... :-)
As soon as more details are released we'll let you know, but if you want to come, save the date!
Also remember valid DBS checks are required to attend this, the sooner they are done the better, so if you're interested in coming, let Nick know and we can get the DBS sorted wayyyyyy before the start of camp!
Logon on to OSM for more details...